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    ​​​​Top 5 benefits of building with Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)

    When it comes to building materials, architects, contractors and building owners have a lot of options to choose from today, which is great! But with so many options how can you be sure that you’ve selected the right building materials for your next project? And how do you know that the building materials you selected will work together seamlessly, while still meeting the ever-changing building codes and regulations? Every project is unique, of course, but we can provide some clarity about a building solution that’s been making some innovative strides lately.

    Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) are non-load bearing, exterior wall cladding systems that consist of an air and water-resistive barrier, insulation board attached either adhesively or mechanically (or both) to the substrate; an integrally reinforced base coat; and a textured protective finish coat. To put it another way…it’s a one-stop-shop exterior cladding system with all the components you’ll need for your next building project! We pulled together a short list of the top five benefits of using EIFS:

    1. Energy efficient – conserve energy and lower costs, the exterior layer of insulation in EIFS reduces the loss of heat and air conditioning. Plus, when combined with the standard wall cavity insulation, the extra insulation layer boosts R-value. The air and water resistive barrier prevents air leakage and provides moisture protection.

    2. Code compliant – build with confidence, EIFS are included in the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) and undergo rigorous testing. Fire resistance, ignitability and much more, EIFS has been tested to meet today’s building code requirements.

    3. Design versatility – colors, textures and effects can make your architectural vision a reality. Go beyond the look of stucco; today EIFS offer virtually unlimited creativity, from wood and metal to stone effects and masonry veneer. EIFS can truly do it all!

    4. Durability – designed to be highly flexible and low-maintenance, EIFS are specially-formulated to resist fading, cracking, dirt and more. Highly impact resistant EIFS can be easily achieved with various weight reinforcing mesh. An EIFS clad building will look fresh and vibrant for years to come, reducing maintenance costs.

    5. Fully-integrated – when you build with EIFS, rest-assured that you’ve got all they key components needed for a high-quality, effective exterior wall system, backed by a single-source warranty.

    From residential to commercial construction, to schools, hotels and hospitals, EIFS has a lot to offer. Next time you’re faced with building materials decisions, streamline your build and consider EIFS. It’s your fully-integrated, code-compliant exterior wall solution with unlimited design options. Explore our website for additional information or contact us to learn more.